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<-- Macbeth, Macbeth, where art thou Macbeth? Half Term--> The Twelve Tasks of Asterix - 2.5/5: I have had the book of the film forever and only just got around to watching it,It's alright, I really don't have much to say about it other than that hearing the characters voices is REALLY weird having only read them (other than Asterix and the Middle Kingdom which I've tried to block out of my brain) so that was interesting.
It defo was better than Asterix and the Middle Kingdom.
The bit with the permits was funny af though and it still has a lot of the humour from the comics which translated better than I expected!
If I rated this purely based on nostalgia from the book it would be an easy 4 stars. Published: 86/7e8 at 0 review
twelve tasks of asterix