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<-- I didn't like Wordpress RSS feeds and Star Wars Squadrons--> Late December Update Before Christmas: Hey guys, so I have been trying out Nextcloud since I did the last blog and I really like it, it's very good, the calendar especially, I think I definately prefer it to Proton Drive and Calendar because it's way better intergreated in to apps and stuff, there's also apps for it on the Ubuntu Touch store, which lacks Proton apps, the notes are also great as is the RSS reader that I can sync.
Secondly, I have also began watching Attack on Titan again as my freind has been going on about it, I'm readig the Manga but it is so slow, so I'll probably keep watching the Animé which I like.
Christmas is in a few days and we break up tommorow which is pretty exiting and I'll see some family, I think I'm getting the Raspberry Pi 5 which is cool.
Finally, I got the Assassins Creed Origins game which I already had on PS4 but now I have on Steam because it was on sale, but I can't get it to work so I'll have to figure that out over the weekend, anyway, that is probably it for today.
Fly You High - DeaDvey
Published: 163/7e7 at 8000 Christmas