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<-- SONG Marshall versus the Machines - 2.5/5 Review section update-->
FILM Civil War (2024) - 4.5/5 ❤️:
This film actually made me scared even though I'm not American, it's a reminder of how quickly and disastrously a comfy life can de ravel into chaos.
The whole scene with that guy in red sunglasses was so good and so scary, he was just insane, killing anyone if they said something he slightly didn't like, I don't even know what side he was on!
The whole final act with the Western Forces storming the white-house was so good and the final shot of the soldiers ruthlessly killing the president was amazing.
I also loved how the film didn't just pick a side of the conflict and root for them the whole time, instead it just shows some War Photographers witnessing this mess. I'm so glad I saw this film, I got the DVD as soon as it released
Published: e8/7e8 at 1a7a
civil war
alex garland
kirsten dunst
cinema watch
i have the dvd