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<-- hello Analogue hexadecimal clock--> Paddington in Peru - 3.5/5: It was better than I expected, my dad said it had bad ratings and didn't really want to go, but we both enjoyed it alot and it was quite fun, I liked how at the end the bears all where named after other train stations (especially Elphant and Castle), I did think it was a bit cringe at points but I suppose it aimed at young children so is supposed to have a good message or whatever.
SpoilerI liked the bad guys, how one had like 3 fake outs which actually made me not expect the nun because it seemed like she was meant to seem sus but then was not, but the was, and the bloke who ended up being good and was haunted by his anscestors ghosts.
Would reccomend if you enjoyed the other Paddington films!
Fly You High - DeaDvey Published: 141/7e8 at d588 film
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marmalade sandwitches