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<-- Home Manager automatically changing dark/light mode at sunrise/set themedweb firefox extension-->
Waybar theme switcher for home manager:
I made this basic script for changing my home manager theme and mode settings:
echo theme = $1
echo mode = $2
sed -i "s/THEME\ =\ ".*";/THEME\ =\ \"\${1}\";/" $HOME/.config/home-manager/home.nix
sed -i "s/MODE\ =\ ".*";/MODE\ =\ \"\${2}\";/" $HOME/.config/home-manager/home.nix
home-manager switch
which I can run like ./theme-switcher.sh gruvbox dark
then it writes the theme to my home manager configuration and reloads home manager.
I can then have several waybar modules like such:
"custom/gruvbox" = {
on-click = "$HOME/scripts/theme-switcher.sh gruvbox \${MODE}";
format = "";
Which I can easily click to change themes
Pretty basic, but I thought I'd share, also it takes about 10 seconds to change theme so it's not quite instant gratification.
Fly You High - DeaDvey
Published: 15d/7e8 at a857
theme changer
bash scripting