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Chosing a Mastodon Client for my PC:
I have been using a self hosted mastodon instamce for a bit now, how ever, I still haven't got round to chosing a mastodon client.
So, using this list I will give my thoughts on some desktop apps.
Firstly, Tokodon, is a QT program so doesn't follow my gtk theme, but it funtions, however, some buttons are bugged and who no image.
The Desk, failed to let my sign in, I don't know why and the menu bar had blurry dropdown menus.
Tuba, looks very nice and clean, only issue I noticed was the menu button on posts is a unfound image.
Toot, a cli interface that is very intuative and easy to use but lacks some more advanced features (or at least I counld'nt easily see them).
That's my list, I went with Tuba, (though In also liked the look of toot) I actually couldn't install a lot of the clients listed, they weren't on the nix store, some were Windows/Mac only.
Fly You High - DeaDvey
Published: 7/7e9 at b7b2
my thoughts