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<-- The Hunger Games - 4/5 ❤️ Wraithfate in rust--> Do The Right Thing - 4/5 ❤️: Does anyone actually do the right thing in this film?
I don't think so, everyone is such a cunt and it's so funny, and dark, I had conflicting opinions on a lot of character's in this who in some cases where quite nice, and it other's where jerks, because of this the character's feel very real as they don't just fit into one archetype.
I also thought the setting was very good with everything being set on and around a single Brooklyn neighbourhood on a single scorching day, from morning to disasterous night...
I would definitley reccomend this.
If these films keep getting better on this top 30 list, I'm going to have to add more rankings ._. Published: 2f/7e9 at 276e film
spike lee
top 30