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Wraithfate in rust:
A few years ago I made a game on my website called Wraithfate, then wraithfate v2 which was a bit better, I'm now making it in rust, for the command line, I'm not that far in as I want to make it well and a bit more open worldy.
For the map I have files where I can just type in plain text each square of the map and they get parsed when the game starts and outputted to the console.
There's two maps, one for the floor which is below the character, and one for things like walls and trees that the player wont be able to walk through, perhaps in the furture there will also be maps for things that are underground or something.
I have also got saving/loading functionality where I parse the player data to a json format using serde and then put it in a file and can parse it back into a struct which holds all the player data including skills, location, inventory and name.
The game is going to be a bit different as it's goint to be a bit of a blend between classic fantasy and dystopia, inspired by a theatre performance of Macbeth I saw which was set in a post apocayptic world that was also fantasy inspired.
Maybe orcs will be mutated humans or something?
I've not got far enough for that.
Maybe this is too ambitious...
Anyway, tomorow I hope to implement a proper input parsing method and traveling, then i need to do skill things like chopping trees.
Hopefully in the future there will also be NPC's and a multiplayer server component?
Here's the source code :)
Published: 2f/7e9 at 2a75